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  1. T

    Got my blood test results. Slightly surprised

    No problem! Thanks for all the help you guys have given me. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  2. T

    Got my blood test results. Slightly surprised

    Okay great. Thanks for looking at that Dylan. Yeah I don't plan on touching anything highly suppressive for at least 10 years. I've read about all of what you guys say all the time, plus I'm recently married and we plan on having kids. So SARMS is what I'll be sticking with for the time being.
  3. T

    Got my blood test results. Slightly surprised

    Hey guys, just got my blood test results before starting a LGD cycle and for my age (24) my T seems quite low at 543. Anything else notable you can see? Thanks.
  4. T

    LGD and PCT

    Thanks dude. I'm gonna be shooting you a dm in a couple days btw. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  5. T

    LGD and PCT

    That is what I thought. I specifically wanted to hear from you Dylan, just didn't know how to tag you in this post haha. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
  6. T

    LGD and PCT

    Exactly what my thoughts were. Thanks for the response! Most of the guys over there are TrT or GTFO anyways. So that piece was laughable to me.
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    LGD and PCT

    Hey guys, new here. Wanted to make an account to ask the question on your guys thoughts on this: on the /r/PEDs subreddit today someone posted about a LGD cycle they are starting, and brought up PCTS. Everyone jumped down their throat about doing PCTS after their cycle, saying that there's no...
  8. T

    Welcome/Introduction Thread

    Hey everyone! Thanks for having me. I'm the lifting partner to a recent member tacotuesday. I've been powerlifting for 2 years in august been all natty up till now. Looking to start a light MK677 cycle. Stats: Male: 25yo Height: 5'11'' Weight: 198.1 BF% ~20% DL: 470lbs Squat: 410x2 (currently...
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