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  1. S

    Need help with acne and sebum production

    I've tried that, and it does work, just a pain in the ass. I would like my skin to go back to how it was before and stop being so oily. Is accutane the best bet? As I'll go to a doc tomorrow and attempt to get some
  2. S

    Need help with acne and sebum production

    No, I'm a retard. First cycle stupidity. Although I did run proper PCT
  3. S

    Need help with acne and sebum production

    Hi, so last year I ran a Test only cycle, first cycle ever. Did 400mgs a week. Previously I had 0 acne issues throughout my entire life, and on cycle I also had 0 acne problems or oily skin issues. But when I came off I got a little bit of acne everywhere, shoulders, back and a little on the...
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