
Looking for the components of a beginner test only cycle


New member
Age: 33
Body fat:
Being training for 5yrs
So these are my stats any advice on how my cycle should look test alone
A basic beginner cycle is test 3-350 mgs per week for 12 weeks..test cyp or enanthate. Plus your ai and pct
Components of a begginer cycle are pretty much always the same

1-12 test around 300mg no more than 5
1-18 aromisin 12.5 mg eod
14-18 clomid 50 50 25 25
" " nolvadex. 25 25 25 25
Left out hcg as its purpose is reversing testicular atrophy and restarting them and 12 weeks isnt long enough too cause significant atrophy and isnt needed
DON’T ask anyone to build a cycle for you. This is the epitome of laziness. Propose a cycle and we will critique it.

You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear.
DON’T ask anyone to build a cycle for you. This is the epitome of laziness. Propose a cycle and we will critique it.

You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear.

Agreed, because you might run across a professional jerk who proposes a dbol only cycle, or tren and deca. Being lazy has no part of AAS use because YOU MUST PUT IN THE WORK.
Age: 33
Body fat:
Being training for 5yrs
So these are my stats any advice on how my cycle should look test alone
What is your height, and bodyfat? Also what is your goals? We need more info to be able to help you here

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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