
Study of athletic injuries finds: Bodybuilders healthiest in pro athletic community!


A meta-analysis of 20 eligible studies published in the Journal of Sports Medicine sought out to find the link between sports injuries and the following competitive disciplines: weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, Highland Games, and CrossFit.

Conclusion: Bodybuilders are the least likely to develop sports injuries.

Bodybuilding was found, on average, to be associated with 0.15 injuries per athlete, per year. A statistical cross sectional analysis crunched the data and concluded that the rate of injury amongst professional bodybuilders was no more than 0.0075 injuries per 1 hour of bodybuilding.

Highland gaming and strongman athletes were cited to have the highest rates of injuries, followed by CrossFit athletes.

Most common injuries were shared across most disciplines and were commonly shoulder > lower back > knee > elbow, and least commonly the wrist.

The reason for the low rate of injury amongst bodybuilding was speculated to be three fold and revolved around:
1. In bodybuilding muscle groups are developed along the entire anatomical spectrum, allowing supporting and stabilizing muscles to be engaged frequently – possibly improving athletic posture, allowing resistance to injury.
2.Whereas a great deal of other disciplines train to attain an ability to perform at a specific event, such as in weightlifting or cross training, bodybuilders differ in the sense that the training itself is the event.
3. Diet, and dietary supplementation including allocation of proper micro and macro nutrients was of greatest importance to bodybuilders, inadvertently ranking them in the highest category for health sustainability.

Bodybuilding for the WIN

References follow in the next attached post
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