
Is this a bad way to stack sarms?


New member
Hi Dylan, love your videos, they're very informative.

Age 27
Body fat %: Not sure, but low enough to see abs (it could be better, but still visible)
Training goals: Gain strength and some size
First cycle of any PED ever

So my question is if I stack LGD 4033 and S4 together, can I use them such that I start LGD first and then add in S4 later on?
EX: month 1&2: LGD, Month 3: LGD+S4, Month 4-5: S4
Then mini PCT

If it's not okay then it's no problem, I'll just use LDG 4033 by itself.

i would definitely NOT do that whatsoever.. you need to run them together.. you don't want to be extending your cycle longer like that..
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